

Liverpool may have given us the Beatles, but the Macmillan Cancer Center in London gave us The Nurses. This foursome is composed of Sharon, Andrea, Jo, and Gaynor, experienced head nurses who sing in between changing bandages and caring for patients.

There is something refreshing about four women who have dedicated themselves to caring for their patients and their families, who still find the joy and maybe more importantly, the hope, in the work they do. These women have seen a lot of life through some very intense experiences most people never know. Given the combined cardiac and midwifery experiences of all four, I guess you could say these nurses can really deliver a song with a lot of heart….

Music is such a powerful healing tool. Whether it’s rock and roll, classic jazz, old standards, doo-wa-diddy,or even a soulful ballad, we love music, all kinds of music. It’s the heart of the Party of Life. Can’t dance without music. Music gets our engines started — our feet tap, our fingers snap, and we start moving to the beat. The fact they have chosen the Macmillan Cancer Center as the charity to benefit from their efforts sends it over the top.

Singing nurses? Best of both worlds, really. They’re ready to cure what ails you, inside and out. You’ve got to love that!

If you want to learn more about The Nurses, check out their website: