cancer treatment GE Healthcare Is My Cancer Diffferent molecular-level testing

Has Molecular-Level Cancer Testing Made a Difference for You?

Some time ago, I was approached by a GE Healthcare representative doing an outreach program on new molecular-level cancer testing. This approach tailors cancer treatment to the specific needs of each patient. The question is has this type of cancer treatment made a difference in the lives of patients?

Every cancer patient will have a unique experience, based on the type of cancer, its progression, other non-related health issues, and factors such as stress level. No two cancer patients will ever have identical experiences. I learned long ago that cancer patients can have similar experiences, and by identifying not just differences, but also similarities, cancer treatments can be improved.

Let’s be honest. In this day and age of expensive health care treatments, there is little point in using technology that costs a fortune, but has no positive gain. That’s wasteful spending. Kind of like throwing gold-flecked snake oil at a rattlesnake bite. If it doesn’t fix things or improve things, there is no point in wasting time or money to continue.

I would love to hear from cancer patients and/or their caregivers. You’re the folks on the front line in the fight against this disease. The question is this. Has molecular-level testing for your cancer or your loved one’s cancer made a difference?

Some people new to cancer may read this and think the question is silly. Anyone who has managed cancer over the years, or cared for a loved one who has, will understand the difference. Right now, every single day, the battle against cancer advances. From doctors and researchers who have the disease, we have volunteers willing to use themselves as guinea pigs for new treatments and trials. Who better to understand how to fight the war than someone who understands what it feels like and why it feels that way? When we shift from a one-size-fits-all style to an understanding that there are differences and nuances inside each cancer, we begin to match patients with treatments that are far more effective and do far less harm. Instead of just forcing a patient to undergo a treatment doctors guess might work, research begins to show improvements.

As a blogger who follows cancer research and treatment trends, I have been optimistic in the last several months that there is some serious progress in the war on cancer. Why? Because I am beginning to see reports of untreatable cancers being treated successfully. Cancers that were diagnosed as Stage 4 are suddenly succumbing to new treatment options still in the testing stages.

Anyone who has ever had cancer or a loved one with cancer knows that very often it’s the treatment that does more damage to the body than the actual cancer. Heart damage, tissue damage, and a myriad of other health issues can result. That’s why I think molecular-level cancer testing is going to make a difference in the lives of people with the disease.

I know that researchers can test blood and tissue samples. I know they can examine patients, measure results, and even chart their progress. But what does it look like from a patient’s point of view? What does it look like from a cancer caregiver’s point of view?

I remember when my mother was being treated for lung cancer. She got frustrated at times with the physical limitations imposed upon her by the disease. But I also remember the hope that trickled forth when she began to regain some of her mobility, when she could once again go out and live her life. In her case, she gained some extra months, and she put a lot of effort into making them count. She wanted to live as long and as fully as she could. I often think that’s something that cancer patients and their families share.

If you have a comment you would like to share with readers of my blog on molecular-level cancer testing, I encourage you to make it. Don’t make it just for me. Don’t make it just for GE Healthcare, one of the makers of the testing equipment. Make it for the cancer patients now in treatment and for those to come. Make it because you have a voice that wants to speak and you have insight into the situation. You and your love one may not realize it, but you have much to say to researchers about how cancer affects your life. Let them know what does and doesn’t work for you. The more that is known about how cancer treatment affects your life, the better treatments can be better tailored to help, not hurt, patients.

If you would like more help with your cancer caregiving, please visit The Practical Caregiver Guides

cancer cancer management cancer treatment caregiver caregiver education GE Healthcare Is My Cancer Different


I’m a big believer in managing cancer by proactive effort. The more caregivers and cancer patients ask for information, the more they learn about it, the better the result. I’ve talked to a lot of people over the years and I am always surprised when I find out how many missed opportunities there are. Whether I am talking to a cancer widow who had no inkling that her husband’s cancer situation was so dire, or a new caregiver who doesn’t realize how important nutrition is for cancer survival, it strikes me that cancer education is critical to cancer management.

Sometimes the biggest obstacle for cancer patients and their families is that they are afraid to learn the truth. They hold back and hold it in, terrified to ask. Don’t be afraid to dip your big toe into the water. Don’t be afraid to get wet. Get yourself into the ocean of information about cancer. Learn to swim. The more you know about cancer, the better the outcome. Every cancer is different, just as every patient is different. It’s not a one-size-fits-all situation, so being able to target the kind of cancer, the stage it’s at, and the overall health of the individual patient means a better chance to manage the cancer. Generic cancer treatment often means the side effects overwhelm the patient, creating more problems than are solved. An individualized treatment plan takes into account the actual needs of the patient and works to insure that his or her health is better preserved. When an oncologist really seeks to understand a patient’s specific cancer situation, the outcome will be improved.

GE Healthcare just launched a new health initiative designed to help cancer patients ask, “Is my cancer different?” Why is this question so critical? Not every cancer responds to normal cancer protocols of treatment. Not every cancer patient does well with every cancer drug. Molecular level diagnostics can make a difference in outcome. This allows the oncologist to individualize the cancer treatment. The goal is to utilize molecular level diagnostics to better fit individual needs.

As a cancer caregiver, one of the most important jobs you have is to understand that the right treatment can make all the difference in the world. You want your loved one to have a fighting chance. The smarter the fight, the better the outcome. Sometimes surviving that extra day in better shape allows a cancer patient a window of opportunity to move forward towards a cure. With cancer, there are never any guarantees, but you can and you should always advocate for the best treatment available for your loved one’s cancer.

What does “Is My Cancer Different?” offer? This is a cancer education website. You can see patient-friendly informational videos. You can learn about new developments in cancer treatments. You can begin to understand that the better managed cancer is, the longer your loved one can not only live with cancer, but thrive. More birthdays, more joy, more laughter, more adventures, more life.

If you would like more information on “Is My Cancer Different?”, check out their link: