

Anyone who has ever worked with kids knows that cancer touches so many young lives. Some childhood cancers have a great cure rate. Others, not so much.

By the time most kids reach middle school, they will know someone who has cancer, and chances are good, it will be a peer.

That’s why getting kids involved in cancer charities is a good idea on many levels. First, it sends the message to kids that the community is willing to join together to save kids. Second, it tells kids that by joining a cause, they can make a difference as part of the community. But thirdly, and most importantly, getting kids to participate in cancer charities tells them that should they ever be diagnosed with cancer, there will be people who care about them and who want to support them.

The Roswell Park Cancer Institute is hosting a “How Big Is Your Heart” dance in Western New York, inviting students in grades 5-8 to a big night of music, dancing, food, and fun in support of pediatric cancer research and support programs:

Many cancer charities aim their events at the adults who have the cash. The big galas and wine tastings are geared to adult tastes and interests. Having this dance for middle school children brings them into the fold, and that’s such a smart thing to do. These children will take their experience at the dance and build on that. They are more likely to reach out and to participate in future events.

But you know what’s really smart? While the kids are having fun in the ballroom, parents can have a special meal at the restaurant. Now that’s a night a parent can appreciate!