

This is the season when people take unnecessary risks. Are you one of them? Are you endangering your loved one? Be smart. Be prepared. Can you prevent a catastrophe at home? In an emergency, if you need to evacuate the house, what will you take with you?

Start your New Year off right. Take a few minutes today You could save a life:

1. If you don’t have smoke detectors or they are out of date, buy new ones and make sure they are properly installed. Replace batteries in your smoke detectors. Use a permanent marker on the back to note the date. This way, you will know it was done.

2. Do you have a carbon monoxide detector? This will alert you if dangerous levels are building up in your home. Buy one and properly install it. If you have one, change the batteries and mark the date, so you know it was done.

3. If you need to get out of the house in an emergency, make sure you have important information that you will need in a convenient folder or on a USB stick. Or save it in “the cloud”, so you can access it wherever you are. You’ll want contact numbers and any pertinent information on your loved one. Why not also add family information that you’ll need? Don’t forget to have your loved one’s identification and insurance information handy.

4. Consider replacing candles and open flames with battery-operated and independent power sources that are safer. Remember that your loved one may not have the stamina or energy to flee in a fire, so err on the side of caution.

5. If you live in an area that is prone to ice and snow storms, be sure to be prepared. Know where blankets are, have a couple of days worth of food for your loved one that he or she can eat, and emergency supplies on hand — consider an emergency radio.

6. Figure out ahead of time what you will do if the power goes out, the phones are down, and the roads are closed. Have a plan. If you know a big storm is coming, know where you will go and decide when you will evacuate.

Don’t leave your emergency planning until disaster is upon you. Be proactive. And then, sit back with your loved one and relax. Happy New Year!

For more help with your caregiving, visit The Practical Caregiver Guides:

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