cancer cancer fiction Cancer Treatment Centers of America colon cancer Michelle Hastings Mission:Remission

Would Real-Life Cancer Survivor Michelle Make a Great Character in a Novel?

I first met Michelle Hastings at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America facility in Goodyear, Arizona almost a year ago. I was sitting at a table in the conference room when in blew this vision in wildly colored, spiked hair, looking like a rock star. A generation younger, with a very positive energy, she bustled around with the confident air of a regular visitor to the hospital. That’s because she is.

Back in 2008, Michelle found out she had colon cancer, but she was determined to beat it. She wrote about her journey in her blog; once known as Michelle Will Win, it has transitioned to Mission: Remission. (It’s a great resource for anyone facing a tough cancer battle of any kind. Her spirit, her energy is uplifting and inspiring. Check it out.)

When you look at Michelle’s definition of herself, you’ll see this: wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend. She doesn’t talk about her career as an astronaut on the last space shuttle or her amazing stint as a famous movie star in Hollywood. She never mentions anything about winning the Miss Fabulous beauty contest or how she learned to conquer her fear of octopuses by scuba diving to 1000 meters without a spear gun. Oh, no. That’s because Michelle is a people person. It’s all about connections. It’s all about love, life, and loving life.

If you stuck her in an isolation tank, you would break her heart, not to mention the hearts of all those people who love her. That’s because Michelle embodies the very essence of humanity — the ability to connect with other people in a way that leaves you feeling like the world is a better place because she’s in it.

As a mystery writer, over the last few months, I’ve toyed with the idea of creating a new series, wondering if I could ever invent a character with her joie de vivre, her tenacity, and her single-mindedness to overcome adversity. Is it even possible? What kind of storyline would I write? And what would that character be like?

I can tell you this much. It would be a “cozy mystery”, without gruesome, bloodsucking beasts or insidious villains who practice unspeakable cruelty. It would be the perfect story to read while curled up in front of the fireplace on a rainy night with a cup of hot cocoa, because that’s the kind of person she is. Michelle was so happy the other day when the Christmas lights went up and she could revel in their twinkling glory. She even remarked that most people would think it was too soon to start decorating, but she didn’t care. She was going for it. This young woman knows too well that you must seize the moment when it presents itself. She does not procrastinate when it comes to embracing fun. She grabs it with both hands and holds on tight.

And as far as the action part of my tale, it would have to be a good match for Michelle’s vibrant persona to be believable. I’d give my heroine a warm, supportive family for her crime-solving activities, a fun cast of characters, and more than one wacky sidekick. Maybe I would send her off to Disneyland, and have her discover a lost child in the crowd. Michelle is the kind of woman who would recognize that “deer in the headlights” look from a frightened youngster in a crowd. She is, after all, a mother. I could have her search for the missing adult, letting the story take a thrilling, twisting trajectory, but with a happy ending, because that is what Michelle constantly seeks in life.

Or maybe I would send her fictional alter ego on a vacation to a dude ranch, and while on a trail ride, let her stumble upon an abandoned horse in the middle of nowhere. She could track down and rescue the rider. Michelle could certainly hold her own out in the Wild West. After all, she’s been battling cancer all these years. Why, I bet she could scare the rattle off a sidewinder with just a look and some of her fierce determination.

Then again, with her work as a cancer advocate, maybe I could create a mystery in a hospital, with a patient who is too overwhelmed to reconnect with family. Michelle’s character could reach out to all her social media contacts and help a patient reunite with a lost family member, someone who slipped away decades before, and they could come together when it matters most. It would have to be a heartwarming tale, because that’s the epitome of the real Michelle, overcoming adversity with gumption and guts. Perspective is half the battle when it comes to conquering cancer. You might not beat the disease, but you can beat the hold its terror has on you, and when you do that, another door opens, or another window, and you’re off on your next adventure in Cancer Land, finding those hidden moments of beauty, those tender minutes when the universe seems to stop spinning out of control and life, in that brief few seconds, all makes sense. We are here to love, to laugh, to share with one another, and nothing else really matters except what passes between united hearts.

As you can see, an inspirational character can drive a storyline in all kinds of wonderful directions for an author. A wise writer lets the heroine go her own way, in her own style. In Michelle’s case, her fictional counterpart would have all of her amazing qualities to lead her down the path to adventure, and she would take her ever-widening circle of family and friends, her “peeps”, along with her. They are so much a part of her that I can see them having a hand in solving the “cozy mystery”.

Oddly enough, in my vision for this mystery series, I wouldn’t want to bump off lots of victims, leaving a trail of dead bodies strewn across Arizona, California, Colorado, or anywhere else I sent her. I’d pack the stories with lots of frights, and maybe a few bang-ups, chills, and spills, but my fictional heroine would be about saving lives, not taking them. Michelle is, after all, a healer. She’s not here to destroy the world; she’s here to save it. The fictional Michelle would want to do the same.

But there’s only one problem with the idea of creating a heroine based on a real woman for a new mystery series. How can my character ever hope to compete with the real thing? She would be forever a poor substitute for Michelle Hastings. That’s because I never really know what I will find when I see she’s added a post on her Facebook page. It could be just about anything. One day, it might be that things are going great for her. Another day, it might be that her blood work is absolutely dismal. Michelle is a very real cancer survivor, struggling with managing the disease. She’s allowed people like me a glimpse into her visit to Cancer Park, where she sometimes gets to ride the Ferris Wheel and take in the pretty vista, and other times, goes into the House of Horrors, where the floor slips out from under her as she tries to navigate the dark and scary maze that is cancer. The hardest thing to watch is when she climbs into a car on the roller coaster and it leaves the platform. I never really know if she’s coming back in one piece. But as scary as it is for someone like me, that’s nothing compared to the whirlwind emotions that Michelle and those with her on that ride must experience.

And yet, I am still tempted to create a series with such a heroine. The truth is the world needs people like Michelle — to teach us what really matters about life, about living. We need to know that our circumstances aren’t always very fair, but that shouldn’t stop us from pushing back, from striving to be more tomorrow than what we are today. Could I create a cancer character that would move readers to embrace the good in life? I probably could, if I stick to the heart of what makes the real Michelle tick. She’s been a great teacher to many, a winner several times over, even through her toughest battles. That’s because she’s Michelle, one-of-a-kind and unique. I’m glad I had the chance to meet her in Arizona, all those months ago, but I’m delighted that I had the great wisdom and curiosity to listen to this voice of courage.